Creating your brand page

Modified on: Thu, 15 Jul, 2021 at 6:36 PM

During onboarding with our team you should have been asked for some information so we can set up your brand page - below you can see the information we need and how it should be formatted, please do feel free to send over additional information once live as the stronger the content, imagery and additional information we have the more we can do for our brands from a marketing perspective. 
Below you can find what we need for a fully optimised brand page and why each is so important. 

Brand Logo

We use brands logo on the brand page on Fy! Logos also feature on high traffic pages and are important for in app use as shoppers can follow brands they like. 

Format: Square - 600px - 72DPI

Banner image
Banner images appear on your brand page on Fy! along with your brand description, the image should act as a "shop window" to peak customer interest in your products. Banners allow us to feature your brand in dedicated sections on our marketing emails and also makes it's easier for us to promote your brand for PR coverage opportunities. 

Format: Static Image - 1200x600px - 72DPI

Cover Images

Cover images are images that represent the lifestyle of a brand. The image should help a browsing customer get a feeling of who the brand is and what types of products you sell. These images are vital for both your profile on Fy! and our Marketing team, they can be included in Shop of Shops, Curated Sales and used in our Paid Social Feeds. Our data proves that brands with these images receive increased click through and conversion.

Format: 1080x1090 Square (1x1) Static Image

Brand Tagline
A short description, please sum up your brand in less than 45 characters. It should quickly let users understand the brand, it should be clear, unambiguous and stimulate curiosity in the brand. We'd also recommend including an indication of the types of products you are selling to allow both users and Google to understand what the page is about. 

Brand Copy
This is the main area to bring the brand to life - it should tell the brand story to engage with the customer; How can they use the products? What makes them special? How will it compliment their space? The maximum copy here is 300 characters. Please be aware that we may amend the submitted brand copy to make sure it works within the Fy! platform.

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